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Jamie Foxx Had a ‘Bad Headache,’ Then Was ‘Gone for 20 Days’ During Medical Emergency


Jamie Foxx spoke briefly about his hospitalization last year while chatting with a group of people in Phoenix, Arizona.

Foxx didn’t give too many details in the video shared on social media, but he did recall the harrowing moments that preceded his April 11, 2023 emergency. The actor said he had a “bad headache” and asked his friend for an Advil. 

Then, Foxx snapped his fingers and said: “I was gone for 20 days. I don’t remember anything.”

Foxx said his sister and daughter took him to a couple of doctors, the second of whom told him, “There’s something going on up there.” But Foxx appeared to catch himself before saying anything more, realizing that someone was filming him: “I won’t say it on camera,” he quipped with a smile. “But it was…” (The video cuts off after that.)

Foxx was hospitalized while shooting the Netflix action-comedy, Back in Action, with Cameron Diaz (the movie is set to premiere in November). Foxx’s daughter, Corinne, broke the news on social media, saying at the time that the actor was recovering after a “medical complication.” Foxx was released from the hospital in May 2023, and returned to the public eye in December.

While Foxx still hasn’t offered up a full, detailed account of the medical scare, he discussed it a bit in a video message on social media last July. “I went through something I thought I would never, ever go through,” he said at the time. “I know a lot of people were waiting or wanting to hear updates, but to be honest with you, I just didn’t want you to see me like that. I want you to see me laughing, having a good time, partying, cracking a joke, doing a movie, television show. I didn’t want you to see me with tubes running out of me, and trying to figure if I was gonna make it through.”

More recently, Foxx seemed to suggest he would finally tell all in a new comedy special. At the end of February, he teased a new stage show on Instagram, writing, “Going to get on somebody’s stage somewhere near you. I got some jokes, and a story to tell.” 

Then, a few days later at the 7th Annual African American Film Critics Association Special Achievement Awards luncheon, Foxx said: “Everybody wants to know what happened and I’m gonna tell you what happened but I got to do it in my way.” (Foxx hasn’t shared anymore details about the possible show since.)

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