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πŸ—£οΈπŸ¦ΎπŸ“²πŸ€“ RTFM : ask AI agent to learn how to send sms w. open-interpreter

πŸ’­ About

How many times did someone ask you :

"How do you..."

... and how many times did you make the RTFM (Read the f**king Manual) joke ?

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πŸ‘‰ Well that's all this blog post is all about, we're going to:

  1. 🎁 Provide a cli tool that behaves like all other tools to an AI assistant
  2. πŸ¦₯ Ask it to learn by himself how to use it
  3. πŸš€ Make it do the job ... locally !

To achieve this we will use :

  • πŸ€– A core LLM engine : gpt-4
  • πŸ’» A locally running assistant that is able to create an action plan to achieve a goal : Open Interpreter

🎯 What we'll do

This time, thanks to a custom tool I created last week-end :


⏱️ Mobitag Go Hackathon 2024-06-22 week-end πŸ€“

adriens ・ Jun 23

#api #hackathon #showdev #go

and ask the AI Assistant to discover the tool and send a custom sms with a custom content to myself with it.

πŸ§‘β€πŸ« Teach him how to use the tool

🀣 Funniest sms

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πŸ”­ Perspectives

The same way we used the --help pattern for cli tool, we can use the OpenAPI to tell an AI how to use an API as a tool.
But keep in mind : the better the documentation, the easier and better integration will be... at almost 0 effort (which is our target to scale automation).

Below some examples of how to achieve this on various frameworks & services :

πŸ€“ For coders :

⏱️ < 5' demo : build & deploy conversational agents (non-coders)

Least but not last, for non coders Google Vertex AI Agent Builder to build and deploy Agents ... within 5 minutes :

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