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How to use the tooltip and abscissa in the vchart library?

Question title

How to use the tooltip and abscissa in the vchart library?

Problem description

I am using the vchart library to create charts, but I am having trouble setting the tooltip and abscissa. I tried to configure the tooltip, but it did not display, even if I set it to visible.
In addition, I also hope to be able to customize the content of the x-axis. I'm not sure if my usage is incorrect or there are other issues.


Firstly, regarding the configuration issue of tooltip, your setting method is correct.
Then, regarding the issue of tooltip not taking effect, you need to check if your content is written in the wrong place. If you want to customize the content of the tooltip, you can refer to this example of vchart .
Finally, regarding the customization of the x-axis, you can achieve it by setting the style in axes.label . You can also use formatMethod to customize the content. The specific implementation method can refer to this example of vchart .

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