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Day 983 : Weary

liner notes:

  • Professional : Had a couple of meetings. I responded to a couple of community questions. I created a sample application to test a new feature and got it working. Asked the team some questions about what I found while building the application. Day went by pretty quickly.

  • Personal : Last night, I went through Bandcamp and picked out what I'll buy this week. Went through some tracks. I actually worked on the logo and got to a good point. I think I just need to add some text and should be good. I watched an episode of "Demon Slayer" and went to sleep.

A photo of a mountain range with a beautiful sunset in the background. The mountains are rocky and jagged with some green grass and flowers growing on them. The sun is setting behind the mountains and is casting a golden light on the scene.<br> Location: Caucasian Mountains.

My Chromebook just restarted while I was about to publish this blog post. Not everything was save. I'm tired and weary. So I'm just wrapping this up. Going to eat dinner, work on my logo, put together social media posts for my Bandcamp picks and watch an episode of "Demon Slayer".

Have a great night!

peace piece
Dwane / conshus /

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