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Day 20 of my progress as a vue dev

About today
Today was a very strange day in my journey. Let me explain. I woke up and decided I don't wanna work on the audio editor project anymore(at least for now). Reason? Well honestly there are many, but the main one was I wasn't having any fun working on it or felt the same excitement like I felt on the last few projects. Is it giving up? I don't know. But, doing something you can't do happily is not something that should be done, especially when there isn't gun to your head.

What's next?
Well, I won't be sitting on my ass and do nothing of course, instead I will be changing my course of action and do something that I will find fruitful and enjoyable. I do have a plan in my mind but I need to shape it out a bit before start execution on it.

Improvements required
I really think at this moment I am giving up because I don't like the process of the project I was working on but there can be many reasons. If that's the only reason then the next thing I will start to work on I should be able to stick to it for a longer period of time, which I hope I do. But, if for some reason I'm unable to do that, then I should really fix this issue by working on this first.

Wish me luck!

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