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Creating a conditional wrap component in Vue 3

Often it's needed to wrap some part of a template in a wrapper <div> for example. It seems easy using v-if but we have a duplication we'd like to avoid:

<div v-if="isWrapped" class="wrapper">
  <!-- some big chunk of markup -->
<template v-else>
  <!-- the same big chunk -->

Let's explore our options how we can solve this task without duplication. Let's call our component <wrap> and our component that wraps the content a wrapper. Sure it should be functional since there's no state to keep.

Our first option would be simple. We support a wrapper component and its props:

See on Vue SFC Playground

import { h } from 'vue';
export default function Wrap({wrapper, ...props}, {slots}){
  return wrapper ? h(wrapper, props, slots.default()) : slots.default();


<script setup>

import { ref } from 'vue';
import Wrap from './Wrap';

const isWrapped = ref(false);


  <wrap :wrapper="isWrapped && 'div'" :="{class: 'wrapper'}">
      I'm wrapped
  <button @click="isWrapped = !isWrapped">Toggle wrapper</button>

The result is pretty sufficient, you can use any wrapper component with a default slot. But a problem here is that for more complex cases like having multiple nested wrappers we should define the wrapper outside our markup since having a functional wrapper component inside :wrapper property looks pretty messy. In the next posts of this series we'll explore other options of defining our conditional wrap component.

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