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Bug Hunting on SAW

Introduction: Welcome to my detailed bug report for Scrape Any Website (SAW), version for x86 architecture. In this post, I'll share the bugs and usability issues I encountered during my exploratory testing of this data extraction tool. This exercise is part of my ongoing efforts to improve web scraping tools and ensure they meet user needs effectively

Application Name and Version: Scrape Any Website, Version
Test Environment:
Device: Dell Latitude E7270
Operating System: Windows 11
SAW Version:

Links to get the application
Website - SAW
Windows Store - Download Page

My mission was to uncover the nooks and crannies of SAW, pinpointing any bugs, usability issues, or inconsistencies that might hinder the user experience. I adopted a multifaceted testing approach, focusing on:

Functional Testing: Evaluating core functionalities like website scraping, data extraction, and output formatting.
Usability Testing: Assessing the application's ease of use, intuitiveness of the interface, and overall user-friendliness.
**Performance Testing: **While not an in-depth analysis, I observed general responsiveness and scraping speeds during my exploration.
**Edge Case Testing: **Pushing the boundaries of expected use scenarios to uncover potential bugs or limitations.

Bugs: Unearthed Issues in SAW

Through my testing endeavors, I unearthed a few gremlins lurking within SAW. Here's a breakdown of the identified issues:

Bug #1: Visual Error When Adding Scrape Job (SAW-01)

**Description: **A visual glitch occurs when attempting to add a new scrape job. As the user types the job name, the text doesn't appear within the designated field.

**Environment: **Windows 11, SAW v1.1.15.0 (You can specify your environment details here if they differ)

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Open SAW.
  2. Click on "Add Scrape Job."
  3. Begin typing a name for the new scrape job.

**Actual Result: **The entered job name remains invisible within the field.

Expected Result: The job name should be displayed as it's typed, providing clear visual feedback to the user.

Severity: Medium - This bug hinders the user experience during job creation but doesn't completely prevent adding new jobs.

Visual Proof: SAW01

For full bug report click Full Report Excel

Conclusion: The exploratory testing of Scrape Any Website revealed several bugs and usability issues. Addressing these issues will significantly improve the user experience and reliability of the application.

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