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Tim Cook visits LGBTQ+ resource center and developers in Utah

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Tim Cook traveled around Salt Lake City on Wednesday, visiting an LGBTQ+ resource center, meeting up with developers in Utah's tech community, and stopping by to visit Apple City Creek Center employees.

During his trip, Cook stopped by Encircle, a LGBTQ+ resource center based in Salt Lake City. Encircle serves the LGBTQ+ community in Utah and surrounding states.

In addition to Cook, Governor Spencer J. Cox, America's First Family CEO Abby Palmer Cox, and Utah Jazz owners attended the event. Encircle notes that guests at the event donated $4 million to Encircle's goal of $8 million, which will be used to open eight new centers in four states.

Cook also visited Apple City Creek Center in the morning to spend time with customers and team members.

He also visited with some of Utah's developers, shouting out Red Games Company, known for working on titles such as Apple Arcade exclusive "Lego Brawls, and Ancestry, the largest genealogy company in the world.

In June, the CEO visited Los Angeles-based youth outreach organization Create Now, an arts-focused non-profit that is now receiving support from the tech giant.

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